How Well Can Garage Doors Keep Out Unpleasant Smells?

Usually, people use garages for other things apart from parking their cars. These may include tool storage, home gyms, recreation rooms, and workshops. Furthermore, like all house parts, you need garage door maintenance to keep it clean and fresh. One common problem is unpleasant smells in garage from trash cans, chemicals used, animal by-products and even mould. Such smells could make the garage become an uncomfortable place to stay. Here is how to eliminate these odours and make your garage smell good again.

Unpleasant Smells

Sources of Unpleasant Smells in Garages

1. Garbage Piles Up

There is usually a bad smell within garages resulting from garbage heaps. It occurs when the trash gets decomposed through chemical release.

2. Chemicals such as gasoline, chlorine and paint

If spilled, any of these strongly scented chemicals can cause a permanent unpleasant smell in the garage.

3. Animal waste products and pet-related smells

If you have pets, litter boxes, bedding, or accidents, these are the reasons why the garage stinks badly. Therefore, such smells can stay long enough to mix with others.

4. Mold growth due to damp conditions and mildew formation

These two types of fungus thrive in underserviced areas, creating odour within garages.

Role of Garage Doors in Keeping Out Unpleasant Smells

1. Helps control temperature and air circulation via insulated doors

Insulated doors act as shields that determine whether your garage becomes hot or cold and allow proper air circulation. Once you have an insulated garage door, it stops scents from outside coming inside while preventing those inside from escaping outwards. 

If something stinks in your garage, an insulated door could help prevent those smells from spreading too far into your house. So, having a good quality insulated garage door would be best. Otherwise, the pleasant aroma of your garage will make other rooms in your home stink.

2. Keep external odours from entering by sealing garage doors effectively.

Properly sealed entrances can help to prevent bad scents from outside. This means that a good garage door can keep those smells from getting inside your garage.

Keeping Your Garage Smelling Fresh

1. Cleaning Up 

For instance, if juice spills on the kitchen floor, it should be wiped immediately. Things like food garbage or dirty rags left around can get smelly. The more organized your garage is, the better it will smell.

2. Seal It Up

You could imagine your car being sheltered with a giant Ziplog bag for a moment as an illustration. Any foul smell from outside quickly goes through if gaps are along its edges. At the same time, air escapes from such bags, which are not perfect at sealing. 

After a while, inspect the side edges of the garage (weatherstripping) and see if they need to be fixed or replaced. A tightly sealed one keeps out bad scents while allowing fresh ones.

3. Air It Out

At times, a clean garage may feel stuffy. Consider your bedroom; won’t you keep the door open sometimes? By opening the windows and doors in nice weather, you can help your garage breathe and prevent odours. 


It is necessary to aerate your garage to make it a clean and enjoyable environment. Know where the smells come from and eliminate them through proper cleaner usage.  For instance, arrange how to get their garage walls sealed tightly to keep any stench off. Remove clutter frequently, mop spills, and apply aromatizing techniques to neutralize foul odours. Feel free to call us anytime for professional advice regarding managing garage smells.